Friday, April 25, 2014

"Edelweiss": A Night of Cultural Exchange at IMC FH Krems (Austria)

By: Ted Glenn, Ph.D., Professor of Public Administration and Program Coordinator at The Business School, Humber College

April 25, 2014: After yesterday’s proceedings finished, we presenters went out for dinner en masse. Luckily, management had an inkling of what was coming their way and stuck us in a large room in the back of the restaurant. As staid and stuffy and academic as we all may be during the day, those coils seem to shuffle off quickly as we sit back relax and celebrate a day well done. 
On offer was the ubiquitous schnitzel, risotto, and potatoes, topped off with local beverage offerings.
One of the highlights of the evening was the IMC Masters Days “Oscars,” a customized certificate of appreciation which our host Max handed out – after a gentle roasting – to each and every one of us up on the raised dais. Max and Regina are such warm, gracious and efficient hosts. It is amazing just how smoothly such a large event has gone and how welcome each of us has felt.
Another of the “highlights” of the evening was a – shall we say – “unique” rendering of Edelweiss as post-dinner entertainment. Yes, that’s our very own Alain Londes up there with Moses Koh from Singapore’s Nanying Polytechnic and Gabriel Lopez Gutierrez from Mexico’s Escuala Bancaria y Comercial.  Not quite Christopher Plummer/Julie Andrews quality, but you have to admire the gumption of these three, especially in the YouTube/Twitter era. Wouldn’t catch me…

Take a look at the video here:

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